Vashi Board Office Phone Number MSBSHSE Mumbai

In this article, you will find the Vashi Board Office Phone Number, address, and location. MSBSHSE office is situated in Vashi Navi  Mumbai, and the bulk of People and students are looking for its contact details. This is the oldest educational body that successfully controls the secondary and higher secondary education system in Maharashtra. They conduct two examinations in a year, from rules and regulations of the exam to implementing textbooks, deciding exam schedules, grades, syllabus.

MSBSHSE board holds exams in March and October for SSC and HSC in which 15-20 million students appear each year. See the address, email, and phone number in below table.

Vashi Board Office Phone Number image

Vashi Board Office Phone Number

AddressPhone Number and Email Id
Mumbai Divisional Board,
Vashi, Navi Mumbai, 400703
278 99 9 87

Code - 022

Email id -


  1. I want to know some thing about HSC 12th admission

  2. I apply for migration certificate on 3rd December 2020 but today is 18th December my certificate is not came plz help me because 2 days after i have to apply for my first year admission 😞🙏plz help me i try to contact to division also but no one pick up the calls

  3. Sandeep Shivaji Wagh says:

    Please let me know the Procedure for Change in Name in SSC Marksheet.

  4. shabnam pathan says:

    want to do verification of SSC documents, please advise.

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