Ukhrul Phone Numbers – District Level Officers Manipur

In Ukhrul district region, DC, DPO, ADC, JTO, DFO, NIC, SDO and all others who are working on these posts fulfill their responsibilities very well. They try to understand all issues belonging to the district and solve rapidly.

Ukhrul Phone Numbers – District Level Officers Manipur

1.DC(03870) 265035
2.DPO(03870) 265312
3.ADC(03870) 265314
4.SDO, Ukhrul(03870) 265012
5.JTO(03870) 265014
6.EE Power(03870) 265315
7.TO(03870) 265016
8.Fire Station(03870) 265337
9.DFO(03870) 265147
10.NIC(03870) 265028
11.EE Phed(03870) 265043
12.EE PWD(03870) 265020

Ukhrul district is  placed within the range of Myanmar. This district came in its real entity in the year of 1969. It has a big agricultural field which is popular for the Sugarcane and Vegetable. The highest post of the administrative field is DC and all officers work under him. DC is known as District Collector who handles all collectorate issue and guides the officers working in this sector. ADM works along with DM and support to handle the maximum number of matters. Executive Engineer is posted in PWD office and manage section under it.

If you want to find contact details of Ukhrul district level officer see above in tabular form.

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