Thrissur Phone Number Deputy Director, Transport Officer, Principal

1.Deputy Director
(Animal Husbandry)
(0487) 2360225
2.Animal Husbandry Officer(0487) 2361216
3.Dist. Soil Conservation Officer(0487) 2360426
4.Principal Agriculture Officer9447673612
5.Regional Transport Officer(0487) 2360262

Introduction of District Thrissur State Kerala : –  The district of Thrissur is full of tourists places and culture heritage. One should not miss these places. The total land covered by this district is 3032 sq kms. By the census of 2001 the total the total populace of this district is 29,74,232. Out of the total population of Thrissur district the female populace is 15,52,180. On every thousand of man female population is 1,092. Population density is 981 in every squire km. Male literacy ratio is 95.11% and female literacy ratio is 89.71% and average rate is 92.27%. is above than the national average. English and Malayalam are the official language.

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