Tamil Nadu RTO Phone Numbers – All 70 Regional Transport Office

Tamil Nadu RTO Phone Numbers and VPN Number

S. NoRegional OfficePhone NumberVPN Number
01.RTO Chennai
STD Code 044
Ph No. 26745959
044 - 26747996
02.RTO Chennai
(North west)
New Avadi Road
STD Code 044
Ph No. 26215969
044 - 26216017
03.RTO Chennai
(North east)
STD Code 044
Ph No. 25914849,
044 - 25916023
04.RTO Chennai
(East) Basinbridge
STD Code 044
Ph No. 26670663
044 - 26671133
05.RTO Chennai
(North) Kolathur
STD Code 044
Ph No. 25562700
044 - 25562300
06.RTO RedhillsSTD Code 044
Ph No. 26310636
044 - 26320637
07.RTO ThiruvallurSTD Code 044
Ph No. 27663333
044 - 27666303
08.RTO Chennai
(South East)
STD Code 044
Ph No. 24610405
044 - 24615766
09.RTO Chennai
(South) Thiruvanmiyur
STD Code 044
Ph No. 24516464
044 - 22261191
10.RTO Chennai
(West) K K Nagar
STD Code 044
Ph No. 24894466
044 - 24710913
11.RTO Chennai
(South west)
STD Code 044
Ph No. 24797722
044 - 24797772
12.RTO ChengalpattuSTD Code 044
Ph No. 27464996
044 - 27428592
13.RTO KancheepuramSTD Code 044
Ph No. 27264277
14.RTO MeenambakkamSTD Code 044
Ph No. 22325555
15. RTO TambaramSTD Code 044
Ph No. 22267666
044 - 22267888
16.RTO VelloreSTD Code 0416
Ph No.2252040
0416 - 2252073
17.RTO TiruvannamalaiSTD Code 04175
Ph No. 232266
04175 - 232277
18. RTO CuddaloreSTD Code 04142
Ph No. 234035
04142 - 234045
19. RTO VillupuramSTD Code 04146
Ph No. 223626
04146 - 228263
20.RTO TindivanamSTD Code 04147
Ph No. 222098
04147 - 222080
21.RTO RanipetSTD Code 04172
Ph No. 273087
04172 - 273086
22.RTO KrishnagiriSTD Code 04343
Ph No. 231444
04343 - 231777
23. RTO DharmapuriSTD Code 04342
Ph No. 230907
04342 - 231067
24. RTO Salem (West)STD Code 0427
Ph No. 2225588
0427 - 2225539
25.RTO SankagiriSTD Code 04283
Ph No. 242440
04283 - 244440
26.RTO Salem (East)STD Code 0427
Ph No. 2280244
0427 - 2280044
27. RTO HosurSTD Code 04344
Ph No. 262661
04344 - 262265
28.RTO AtturSTD Code 04282
Ph No. 251616
04282 - 251716
29. RTO TrichySTD Code 0431
Ph No. 2403333
0431 - 2403337
30.RTO Musiri
31. RTO Trichy (New)
32.RTO PerambalurSTD Code 04328
Ph No. 291787
04328 - 275105
33.RTO KarurSTD Code 04324
Ph No. 255099
04324 - 255918
34. RTO Sri rangamSTD Code 0431
Ph No. 2231994
0431 - 2231995
35.RTO AriyalurSTD Code 04329
Ph No. 228005
04329 - 228063
36.RTO ThanjavurSTD Code 04362
Ph No. 227358
04362 - 226174
37.RTO TiruvarurSTD Code 04366
Ph No. 221261
04366 - 224345
38. RTO NagapattinamSTD Code 04365
Ph No. 253088
04635 - 253077
39.RTO PudukkottaiSTD Code 04322
Ph No. 221618
04322 - 225625
40.RTO KumbakonamSTD Code 0435
Ph No. 2416417
0435 - 2416416
41.RTO Coimbatore (S)STD Code 0422
Ph No. 2562288
0422 - 256 1135
42.RTO Coimbatore (North)STD Code 0422
Ph No. 2646677
0422 - 2646658
43.UO Soolur
44.RTO Tiruppur (N)STD Code 0421
Ph No. 2473545
0421 - 2471856
45.RTO MettupalayamSTD Code 04254
Ph No. 226330
04254 - 227732
46. RTO PollachiSTD Code 04259
Ph No. 225159
04259 - 235159
47. RTO Tiruppur (S)STD Code 0421
Ph No. 2215151
0421 - 2215451
48.RTO UdagamandalamSTD Code 0423
Ph No. 2443950
0423 - 2446433
49.RTO Coimbatore (C)STD Code 0422
Ph No. 2248449
0422 - 2240624
50. RTO DharapuramSTD Code 04258
Ph No. 224445
04258 - 227435
51. RTO NamakkalSTD Code 04286
Ph No. 280885
04286 - 280887
52.RTO Namakkal (New)
53.RTO ErodeSTD Code 0424
Ph No. 2401041
0424 - 2402611
54.RTO ThiruchengoduSTD Code 04288
Ph No. 282322
04288 - 281414
STD Code 04285
Ph No. 222962
04285 - 222752
56.RTO PerunthuraiSTD Code 04294
Ph No. 222779
04294 - 222778
57.RTO DindigulSTD Code 0451
Ph No. 2460223
0451 - 2460219
58.RTO Madurai
STD Code 0452
Ph No. 2381560
0452 - 2381570
59.RTO Madurai
STD Code 0452
Ph No. 2569181
0452 - 2569180
60. RTO TheniSTD Code 04546
Ph No. 261565
04546 - 253605
61.UO UttamapalayamSTD Code 04554 Ph No. 267998 04554 - 267020
62.RTO Madurai
STD Code 0452
Ph No. 2567835
0452 - 2567935
63.RTO SivagangaiSTD Code 04575
Ph No. 240339
04575 - 241039
STD Code 04567
Ph No. 230722
04567 - 230669
65.RTO VirudhunagarSTD Code 04562
Ph No. 252089
04562 - 252389
66.RTO TuticorinSTD Code 0461
Ph No. 2341230
0461 - 2340185
67. RTO TirunelveliSTD Code 0462
Ph No. 2552555
0462 - 2552035
68.RTO NagercoilSTD Code 04652
Ph No. 265056
69. RTO MarthandamSTD Code 04651
Ph No. 274977
04651 - 271479
70.RTO TenkasiSTD Code 04633
Ph No. 280139
04633 - 280259

Tamil Nadu RTO enables the citizen to know all transport related information such as registration of vehicles and also the amount of tax and fees on different vehicles. However, its main objective is entrusted with the efficient delivery of all its services to the public as far as possible. There are total 70 RTO in the state of Tamil Nadu and all are known for their best services. Now we are transcribing the list of all 70 Tamil Nadu RTO Phone numbers as well as their Email Id & VPN numbers.

So from now onwards don’t worry about transport related issue. If you have any query then immediately contact your nearest Tamil Nadu RTO office and get rid of all other extravagant issues.



  1. santosh Prabhudesai says:

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