Saraswathi Temple Vizianagaram Phone Number / Mobile

Saraswathi Temple Vizianagaram Phone Number image

Saraswathi Temple Vizianagaram Phone Number, moreover other contact resources as mobile number and address are available here. This shrine of south India has gained quite a good popularity in a short span of time. According to Hindu faith, Saraswathi is the goddess of wisdom and the temple is dedicated to her. In this post, you will get information about the temple’s contact details and address. This will facilitate the devotees and they will get all the information.

Address: Ring Road, SVN Nagar, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh 535002
Temple Timings:-
Morning – 7.00 TO 11.30 A.M
Evening – 5.00 TO 7.30 P.M

Saraswathi Temple Vizianagaram Phone Number, Andhra Pradesh

S.NO.Name Phone Number
1.Saraswathi Temple, Vizianagaram08922 - 235896
2.Saraswathi Temple Mobile Number+91 93940 64111

The management and care of the temple are done by a trust, whose name is Sarada Seva Sangam. A lot of devotees come here on the day of Vasant Panchami and receive blessings from the Goddess. On this day a religious ritual called “aksharabhyasam” is also organized, which is very popular in this area. Vasant Panchami is one of the busiest days of this temple.

Temple is developing by the time and during Vasant Panchami, they provide separate counters for “prasadam” and puja.

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