Railway Station Phone Number – Jhargram, Kalaikunda, Khemasuli, Keshabpur

Railway Station Phone Number – Jhargram, Kalaikunda, Khemasuli, Khantapara, Keshabpur and Station codes

s.No.Station NameStation CodePhone Number
1.JhargramJGM03221 - 255063,
2.Jhargram SMR03221-64760
6.Keshabpur KSBP03228–28091

Kharagpur is a town of Medinipur district in West Bengal state. It is a magisterial town of West Bengal state. Kharagpur railway platform is the longest platform not only in India, but also in the world.This town is also known for its IITs (Indian Institutes Technology). This institute is too much popular among engineering students. It is a perfect destination for those pupils who want to stand their career in the technology arena. Here, we have given some important numbers and code of Kharagpur railway division such as Jhargram, Jhargram / SMR,  Kalaikunda, Khemasuali,  Khantapara, and Keshabpur.

Above given phone numbers and code of the Kharagpur railway division’s stations are too much useful for the visitors of this website. By using these numbers, one can get the information in concern with time and table of all trains and the reservations status.

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