Railway Station Phone Number – Alipurduar, Banarhat, Bijni, Binnaguri, Chalsa

North Frontier Railway

Railway Station Phone Number – Alipurduar, Banarhat, Bijni, Binnaguri, Chalsa and Station codes

S.No.Station NameCodePhone Number
1.Alipurduar JNAPDG03572–55091
3.Barpeta RDBPRD03666–32708

North East Frontier Railway has five divisions and these all divisions are liable to the train operations. In every division, there is the divisional manager and they have to report every day to the general manager. In the year of 1881 Assam railway and trading company had started the lay the metre gauge line with the aim to transporting of the coal and tea. 1818 was proven the landmark year for the North Frontier Railway because the legendary toy train had begun in for the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway. After the segmentation of India the railway of Assam and Bengal had re-arranged.

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