Railway Station Phone Number – Turkapalli, Pamidi, Kalluru, Taticherla

Turkapalli, Pamidi, Kalluru, Taticherla Railway Station Phone Number

Pamidi, Kalluru, Taticherla, Turkapalli Railway Station Phone Number

S.No.Station NameCodePhone Number
1.Gooty South Cabin GYJ
2.Turkapalli TKPY08552–200121
3.Ramaraju palliRRJ08552–200141
6.Kallur JNKLU08551–200675

South Central Railway has been established after the carving out Vijayawada and Hubli from the Southern Railway and from the central railway Secunderabad, and Solapur has been merged and thereafter Guntakal the part of the railway of the south. At present, there are six railway divisions in SCR Zone named are Hyderabad, Secunderabad, Vijayawada, Guntur, Nanded and Guntakal. Mainly this railway zone is working in different states like Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamilnadu and into the extended part of Karnataka State.

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