Railway Station Phone Number – Anantapur, Zangalapalle, Chigicherla, Pakala Panapakam

Anantapur, Zangalapalle, Chigicherla, Pakala Panapakam Railway Station Phone Number

S.No.Station NameCodePhone Number
5.Dharmavaram JnDMM08559–224422
6.Pakala JNPAK08585–223243


In many railway zones, South Central Railway is one. It passes through many states of India like Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka. SCR Zone was created in the year of 1966 on 2 October. South Central Railway includes six railway divisions. The total railway route of this division is 5,752 Km. Secunderabad Railway Station is the headquarter of this railway zone. Total numbers of its workforce are more than one lakh and all employees are qualified and trained. They are serving with fully dedication and humility. This railway zone has proved itself as a model railway zone.

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