Red Taxi Phone Number Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

We are providing Red Taxi Phone Number Coimbatore to help its customer. The Red Taxi has the largest chain in Coimbatore city of Rental cabs, Luxury cars to give customers for safe traveling. The cab charges on hourly or daily basis and supposed to be a cheap taxi and car rental in Coimbatore. The red taxi provides totally Professional Category Taxi services to the customers who want to hire it in town or out of town, Day or night. You will get phone number below…

Red Taxi Phone Number Coimbatore

Name and AddressPhone Number
Name - Eagle Fleet Services
Address - 1226, Magudam Towers,
Mettupalayam Road,
Saibaba Colony,
Coimbatore – 641043.
0422 456 7890
Branch Address -
Eagle Fleet Services,
Mosuvanna Street,
Kaikolar thottam,
Chidambaram colony,
Erode – 638 001.
0424 4567890
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