Rayagada Phone Number District Level Officers Odisha

Asst Commissioner, District Panchayat Officer, CSO and others development officers responsible for progress, executive, systematic, health and others development related issues in Rayagada Odisha district. If you face any query please contact the district level officer contact number given in the table. In this article, we are providing Rayagada Odisha district level officer contact number like Superintendent Engineer, Executive Engineer, Secretary, ADM, DC, Deputy Director, SDO etc.

Rayagada  Phone Number District Level Officers Odisha

1.DC(06856) 222245
2.ADM(06856) 222353
3.Secretary(06856) 225262
4.Executive Engineer(06856) 222186
5.Superintendent Engineer(06856) 235888
6.DIO(06856) 225082
7.SDO(06856) 235020
8.Deputy Director(06856) 223450
9.Deputy Director(06856) 222185
10.DEO(06856) 235064
11.Asst Commissioner(06856) 222065
12.DTO(06856) 222195
13.DIPRO(06856) 222195
14.DFO, Rayagada(06856) 222056
15.DPC., SSA, Rayagada(06856) 235277
16.Dy. Collector, Revenue(06856) 223954
17.Dy. Collector, Emergency(06856) 224062
18.Sub Collector, Gunupur(06856) 250021
19.Sub Collector, Rayagada(06856) 222036
20.Project Director, DRDA(06856) 222309
21.CSO(06856) 222425
22.Chief Dist Veterinary Officer(06856) 222125
23.District Employment Officer(06856) 223133
24.DWO(06856) 235147
25.DSWO(06856) 224076
26.DPO(06856) 223450
27.District Panchayat Officer(06856) 224086
28.DLO(06856) 222009
29.CDMO(06856) 235603

District Panchayat Officer (DPO) performs the important role and duty in this region. Sanitation, drainage system,the supply of water, construction of Public Street, irrigation, health, education, the record of population survey, crop census, the survey of unemployed person and people who belong to the poverty line and related others works  look after by District panchayat Officer. DTO responsible for transport related works in Rayagada. All district level officers perform day to day works for the purpose of development in the Odisha district.

The above-written information to related  the Rayagada  Phone Number District Level Officers  with the code. which is useful for the citizen of the district up to certain extent.  You can collect Rayagada  Phone Number District Level Officers Odisha from the given table and instantly able to connect with them within a minute.

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