Ranchi District Jharkhand Phone Number BDO, CO, CDPO

Ranchi District Block Level Officer Contact Detail

1.BDO Rahe8986648864,
2.CO Nagri8986648886,
3.CDPO Kanke9934165195,
4.BDO Angara8986777939,
5.CO Angara9431253996,
6.CDPO Sonahatu9431170599
About: – There is state in India name is Jharkhand. Ranchi is the capital of this state and a big city too. The Land of forest is called Jharkhand. As a state it had been announced on 15 November 2000. The Total land of Jharkhand is about 30.778 square mi. Jamshedpur is biggest industrial area and formally it is also known as Tata due to Tata company which is worldwide famous. Ranchi, which is the most, developed city of this state by all means. When Jharkhand was not divided from Bihar, Ranchi was the summer capital due to pleasant climate. Ranchi has connected with all major parts of India and as well as big cities too. It is an excellent centre of health because here a number of big and good hospitals are available along with Rajendra  Institute of Medical Science (RIMS) which is government hospital.
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  1. Vidya Sagar Ghosh says:

    Please provide the names of all the officers posted in every district of all departments.

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