Ranchi DFO, DAHO, Jail Superintendent, Magistrate Phone Number

Ranchi DFO, DAHO, Jail Superintendent, Magistrate Phone Number

District Administration Ranchi (Jharkhand)

STD Code – 0651

District Ranchi Contact Number of Executive Magistrate (Sadar), Jail Superintendent, DAHO, Dist. Fisheries Officer, DFO (District Forest Officer):

Executive Magistrate (Sadar)9431370903
Jail Superintendent, Hotwar94311350262276060
Dist. Fisheries Officer9431127930
DFO (District Forest Officer)9431104118

Introduction: – The capital of Jharkhand state Ranchi had been divided into two parts first one is Ranchi and the second one is Bundu Subdivision and these two subdivisions are separated into blocks village and Panchayat level. There are eighteen Blocks and three hundred three Panchayats in Ranchi district and there are fourteen blocks in Ranchi subdivision and only four blocks are in Bundu subdivision. Subarnarekha river fulfills the needs of water of the most population of the Ranchi. Ranchi has a pleasant climate. From an education point of view, Ranchi is the city of regional education hub. There are a number of good schools and privates educational institutes available. It’s a venue for sports activities such as hockey, cricket and football and many more.

Executive Magistrate: – Executive Magistrates are selected by the government of a state which stands for law and order.

Jail Superintendent: –  Jail Superintendent is liable for the work of security and management of the jail.

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