Railway Station Phone Number – Dangoaposi, Garposh, Goelkera, Gomharria, Gua, Gorumahisani,Haludpukur, Jaraikela and Station codes
S.No. | Station Name | Code | Phone Number |
1. | Dangoaposi | DPS | 06588-272048, 78064 |
2. | Garposh | GPH | 06624–244283 |
3. | Goelkera | GOL | 06593-224275, 72872 |
4. | Gomharria | GMH | 0657–2387955 |
5. | Gua | GUA | 6596–263812 |
6. | Gorumahisani | GUMI | 6794–274360 |
7. | Haludpukur | HLD | 0657–2745214 |
8. | Jaraikela | JRA | 0661-2582526 |
Chakradharpur is a famous town in Jharkhand state. It has also a railway division. In this railway division, there are many stations some of them have been written here with code number and enquiry number. These are following Dangoaposi, Garposh, Goelkera, Gomharria, Gua, Gorumahisani, Halud Pukur and Jaraikela. Phone / Contact / Enquiry Number of these stations are written here.