Purulia District Phone Numbers – DM, SDO, DFO, DSO, CMOH

Here, in this article, you will find the contact numbers of Purulia district level officers. In Purulia, many officers work on different administrative posts like DSO, Sub-divisional officer, DIO, District science officer, DLO,  District information analyst, District forest officer, DFO, CMOH office, Senior DMO. Contact numbers of all these officers are given in the below table.

Purulia District Phone Numbers – DM, SDO, DFO, DSO, CMOH

1.DIO(03252) 222452
2.DSO(03252) 222128
3.District Science Officer(03252) 222688
4.SDO(03251) 256111
5.District Library Officer(03252) 224798
6.District Information
(03252) 226045
7.DFO, Purulia Division(03252) 222329
8.DFO, Kangsaboti I(03252) 222231
9.DFO, Kangsaboti II(03252) 222604
10.Railway Enquiry,
(03252) 222005
11.Railway Enquiry, Adra(03251) 244213
12.Blood Bank(03252) 222480
13.CMOH Office(03252) 222480
14.Senior DMO9434304461
15.Fire Brigade(03251) 255283

These district level officers work in every field like Health department, forest, Railway, Fire Brigade department, etc. They participate and handle development-related works rural development, block development, hospital development, railway development, etc. All these officers and staff of this district have tried to be in contact with the public. They also always remain active to help those people who have a problem and look at different areas to sort out their affairs. Using this table, you can contact Purulia District Phone Numbers – DM, SDO, DFO, DSO, CMOH according to your need.



  1. Netai Kumar Saha says:

    There is another Forest Division in Purulia i.e Extension Forestry Division which raises plantations & nurseries in non forest areas to enhance forest cover in Purulia.
    Contact number: 9830476810
    Telephone office: 03252-222697

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