Purulia Phone Numbers District Level Officers West Bengal

Purulia is the district of West Bengal in Eastern India. District Level Officers (DM, ADM, DFO, DPO, ATO, DYO, DLAO, SLAO and all others) of Purulia District. They look after different section and sort out the affairs held on there and always carried about the development of Purulia district. They also always ready to help those people who have a  problem. we are providing  here contact details of them.you may contact of them.

Purulia Phone Numbers District Level Officers Best Bengal

1.DM(03252) 222302
2.ADM (General)(03252) 222120
3.ADM (Development)(03252) 223141
4.SDO (East)(03252) 223266
5.SDO (West)(03252) 223263
6.DPO(03252) 222169
7.SDC(03252) 222606
8.DC Nezarath(03252) 223271
9.DPRO(03252) 222695
10.DPO, ICDS(03252) 223278
11.DSWO(03252) 223278
1.RTO(03252) 222186
13.Project Director, D.R.D.C.(03252) 222294
14.District Controller(03252) 222213
15.TO(03252) 222132
16.ATO(03252) 222132
17.DYO(03252) 224742
18.DLAO(03252) 223120
19.DDLAO(03252) 222554
20.SLAO(03252) 222554
21.Project Officer(03252) 222453
22.District Industries Centre(03252) 222352
23.DCFS, Purulia(03252) 222213

The headquarters of this district is Purulia.This district was established in the year of 1956. Here DM is known as the collector of the district. There are two posts of Treasury Officer one is TO and the second one is ATO. To look after all affairs of Treasury and ATO pay his role like an assistant of TO. The work of Project Director is Keep all information about the launching of the project and remove any types of demerits of these sectors and fulfill all requirements.

According to your need, you may search contact details of Purulia Phone Numbers District Level Officers West Bengal

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