Purnea BDO, CO, CDPO Phone Number Email ID

Phone Number of BDO and CO of a block provides a medium to communicate with these officers. In Purnia, 14 blocks are available. These are Kasba, Bhawanipur, Dagarua, Dagarua, Baisa, Barhara Kothi, Jalalgarh, etc. In this article, you will find Purnea District BDO, CO, CDPO Phone Number.

Another Phone Numbers:

Purnea Police Station Number – Make Call to SP, DSP, SDPO, PS

Purnea BDO, CO, CDPO Phone Number and Email ID

1.BDO, Purnea East9431818335bdo.pur-pu-bih@nic.in
2.BDO, Kasba9431818341bdo.kas-pu-bih@nic.in
3.BDO, Jalalgarh9431818621bdo.jal-pu-bih@nic.in
4.BDO, Srinagar9431818337bdo.sri-pu-bih@nic.in
5.BDO, Krityanand Nagar9431818343bdo.kri-pu-bih@nic.in
6.BDO, Dhamdaha9431818339bdo.dha-pu-bih@nic.in
7.BDO, Bhavanipur9931949385bdo.bha-pu-bih@nic.in
8.BDO, Rupauli9431818342bdo.rup-pu-bih@nic.in
9.BDO, Barhara Kothi9431818620bdo.bar-pu-bih@nic.in
10.BDO, Banmankhi9431818618bdo.ban-pu-bih@nic.in
11.BDO, Dagarua9431818338bdo.dag-pu-bih@nic.in
12.BDO, Baisi9431818619bdo.vai-pu-bih@nic.in
13.BDO, Amaur9431818336bdo.ama-pu-bih@nic.in
14.BDO, Baisa9431818340bdo.bai-pu-bih@nic.in
15.CO, Purnea East8544412807co.peast@gmail.co
16.CO, Kasba8544412805co.kasba@gmail.com
17.CO, Jalalgarh8544412804co.jalalgarh@gmail.com
18.CO, Srinagar8544412808co.srinagar@gmail.com
19.CO, K.Nagar8544412806co.knagar@gmail.com
20.CO, Dhamdaha8544412802co.dhamdaha@gmail.com
21.CO, Bhavanipur8544412801co.bhawanipur@gmail.com
22.CO, Rupauli8544412803co.rupouli12@gmail.com
23.CO, Barhara Kothi8544412800co.bkothi@gmail.com
24.CO, Banmankhi8544412795co.banmankhi@gmail.com
25.CO, Dagarua8544412799co.dagarua12@gmail.com
26.CO, Baisi8544412798co.baisi12@gmail.com
27.CO, Amaur8544412796co.amour@gmail.com
28.CO, Baisa8544412797co.baisa12@gmail.com
29.CDPO, Purnea Sadar9431005488cdpo.purneaurban@gmail.com
30.CDPO, Purnea Rural9431005483cdpo.purnearural12@gmail.com
31.CDPO, K.Nagar9431005481cdpo.knagar12@gmail.com
32.CDPO, Kasba9431005484cdpo.kasba@gmail.com
33.CDPO, Jalalgarh9431005486cdpo.jalalgarh@gmail.com
34.CDPO, Srinagar9431005485cdpo.srinagar@gmail.com
35.CDPO, Baisi9431005476cdpo.baisi@gmail.com
36.CDPO, Dagarua9431005487cdpo.dagarua12@gmail.com
37.CDPO, Amaur9431005474cdpo.amour@gmail.com
38.CDPO, Baisa9431005475cdpo.baisa12@gmail.com
39.CDPO, Banmankhi9431005477cdpo.banmankhi@gmail.com
40.CDPO, Dhamdaha9431005480cdpo.dhamdaha12@gmail.com
41.CDPO, Barhara Kothi9431005478cdpo.bkothi@gmail.com
42.CDPO, Bhavanipur9431005479cdpo.bhawanipur@gmail.com
43.CDPO, Rupauli9431005482cdpo.rupouli12@gmail.com

2nd Paragraph

BDO is the in charge of a block and all the development works runs under his guidance and order. Obviously all public dealing issues come under his responsibility. Public and the staffs often need to call him. CO is responsible for land related issues in a block. People living in an area often need to make contact with these officers to the  Both of the officers.

The phone numbers written above are the official phone numbers and taken from the official website. You could rely upon these number to call these officers.

As BDO and CO are the great posts in the public interest you might have the requirement to call them. If it is so, get Purnea BDO, CO, CDPO Phone Number from here.

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