Prakasam District Collector Phone Number

Prakasam District Collector Phone Number

Today, you will be able to get information about the Prakasam district collector phone number. Along with this, you will also know the contact number of other senior officers in the district. And hopefully, you would use it correctly. Here you will get the contacts of collectors, RDO, DEO, Tahsildar, etc to make a call when in need.

Prakasam District Collector Phone Number

S.NO.Name of the PostPhone Number
1.DC, Prakasam08592-231223 (O)
08592-231443 (R)
2.Revenue Divisional Officer, Ongole08886616011
3.Tahsildar, Ongole08886616039
4.DEO, Prakasam08592-233729
5.Executive Engineer, public health & municipal Engineering08592-221389
6. District Court, ongole08592-234006

First of all, this information has worked for a lot of people associated with the district and you will always need it. Perhaps you may know that the District Magistrate is the boss of his district. And all government schemes are implemented through him.

Now you may have understood that if you have to take advantage of the ongoing schemes in the district, then you have to be in touch with them. Apart from this, you could reduce your troubles to a great extent by using them in odd circumstances. In this way, we can say that this information is very important to the people of the region.

When trying to provide this type of information, we try to reach the right and updated information to the readers. But it is often found that the phone numbers of officials change and our efforts go in vain. As you know, it is our priority to solve the problems of readers and we are also very successful in this. So we will be very happy if you give us any kind of positive suggestions. This will increase our courage and we will continue to serve you like this later.



  1. Ch srinivasarao says:

    Respected sir,
    The Mahatma Gandhi national rural employment guarantee scheme, please implemented framer lands besides unwanted trees cutting please implemented above request thank u sir

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