Phone Number of Hospitals – KRL, Kali Gounder Erode Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu ( Erode district ) Telephone Number

KRL Hospital and Kali Gounder Erode ( Tamil Nadu ) Contact Number

Telephone Number with STD Code Number of KRL Hospital, E.V.N Road, Erode and Kali Gounder, Erode has been mentioned below —

1. Hospital Name and Venue – K.R.L Hospital, E.V.N Hospital, Erode (Tamil Nadu) 

STD Code No. – 0424

Office Telephone Number – 2266106

2. Name of Clinic and Venue — Kali Gounder

STD Code No. – 0424

Office Telephone Number – 2262742

After reading above given passage, you may know about KRL Hospital, Erode and Kali Gounder, Erode which are located in Tamil Nadu State. The above given phone numbers are very useful and helpful for us. If viewer is searching above mentioned number then they can use it with full confidence. Person who are finding contact details of any reputed organization, government employee, hospital, etc can view other web pages of this website.

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