Phone Number Natesan, Nalli Hospital Erode Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu ( Erode district ) Hospital / Clinic Telephone Numbers

Telephone Numbers of  Natesan Hospital and Nalli Hospital Erode (Tamil Nadu) are given below in further written passage —

1. Hospital / Clinic Name and Venue  –  Natesan Hospital (orthopaedic) , Erode 

STD Code No. – 0424
Office Telephone Numbers – 2253288, 2252726

2. Hospital / Clinic Name and Venue  – Nalli Hospital, Erode (Tamil Nadu) 

STD Code No. – 0424
Phone Number  – 2224142 (Office)

On this web page, You may get the Contact and Communication Details of the Natesan Hospital and Nalli Hospital – both of which are situated at Erode district whose head quarter is in Tamil Nadu State. Any one may make call by the use of  above given phone numbers. The aforementioned phone numbers are very useful for patient in any emergency and urgent case. with the help of given phone numbers, They can contact to doctors for treatment. Thus,  it can be said that the given telephone numbers are very  useful for us.
Readers of this web page may also view the contact numbers of other institutions also on the other web pages of this website.

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