S.No. | Post | Contact | Address |
1. | Mamlatdar Deesa | (02744) 222250 222251 9427234111 | Mamlatdar Office, Deesa |
2. | Mamlatdar Dhanera | (02748) 222024 222013 9825484883 | Mamlatdar Office, Dhanera |
3. | Mamlatdar Kankrej | (02747) 233721 233816 9825221680 | Mamlatdar Office, Kankrej |
4. | Mamlatdar Tharad | (02737) 223675 223673 9427647036 | Mamlatdar Office, Tharad |
The following Contact Numbers represents the class 1 and class 2 officers of the banaskantha district. It is taken from the revenue department of the banaskantha collectorate office. It provides the various phone numbers of the various department officers.