Phone Number – Cooperative Dept Erotex, EDCMPU Ltd GM, Erode

Tamil Nadu ( Erode department ) Phone Numbers

 Telephone Numbers of Office of Co-operative department, Erode ( Tamil Nadu ) 

Contact details of office of EROTEX, Erode and EDCMPU Limited, Erode of Co-operative department , Erode ( Tamil Nadu ) are mentioned under : – 

1. Office  Name  and Location  –  EROTEX, Erode 

Department Name —  Co-Operative Department
STD Code Number –  0424

Official Telephone  Contact No. –  2250590
2.  Designation Name – G.M 

Name of Office  and Venue  –  E.D.C.M.P.U Limited, Erode
Department Name and Venue   –  Co-Operative Department
STD Code Number –  0424
Office Contact Telephone Number –   2533563

Person searching contact details of office of EROTEX, Erode and EDCMPU Limited, Erode which comes under Co-operative department, Erode ( Tamil Nadu ) are requested to read above written few lines. Above mentioned contact numbers are useful and essential for those person who has work in Co-operative department.
Viewer if searching contact details of other offices of Co-operative department, Erode ( Tamil Nadu ) or any other reputed organization, university, hospital , government officer etc can view other web pages of this website.


  1. Ramachandra n says:

    Erotex produces the bedsheets and blankets which are rich in quality and economically best. You won’t have to spend beyond 700 rupees for bed sheets. I have purchased 7 bedsheets till now. Thank you erotex

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