Phone Number – Collector, Mamlatdar, Sihor, Bhavnagar

1.Collector Bhavnagar(0278) 242288Collector Office,
2.Mamlatdar Sihor(02846) 222009
Mamlatdar Office,
Sihor, Bhavnagar.

Contact details and the Address of Bhavnagar Dist Administration of gujarat state related to various officers belonging to collector office like Collector of bhavnagar and the mamlatdar of sihor has been described in above written article. People may use the above said contact numbers for any of their emergency work.



  1. Prem Kumari W/o Late Sh. Avtar Krishan Ummat says:

    I would like to bring to your notice that I am Prem Kumari W/o Late Sh. Avtar Krishan Ummat resident of # 59, Adarsh Nagar, Patiala I have one daughter- Rashmi Puri & one son Vitul Kapoor. My husband Avtar Krishan Ummat got expired on dated: 5.2.2019.
    I came to know after a long time of his stay in Gujarat that he got married to another lady (Mrs. Charulata) without giving me divorce and without bringing to my notice. I didn’t take any action considering that it might have bad impact on my children’s future, education, etc.
    My son-in law received a Phone call that my husband breathed his last on 5th Feb 2019. My son, daughter, and her husband went by air to Ahmedabad and hired a taxi for Sihore, (Bhavnagar) and reached the same every night at Sihore. My son and daughter fulfilled all the funeral ceremonies at Sihore on 6 Feb., 2019 at around 8 A.M. on 7th Feb 2019. My son, daughter, and her husband went to immerse the remnants of his dead body 60 km away from Vadodara. Proof of the same is also with them. I do not keep well so I could not go there. Both my children fulfilled all the necessary rites.
    The business got fully established with my husband’s untiring efforts and hard work. My daughter and son have all the rights of whatever he had earned throughout his life. My children also have full right on the running business and flat at his flat Navrang Society, Sihor. I have come to know that Mrs. Charulata my husband’s Property (shops of M/s Bhawani Traders, (suppliers of Welding, rod nut and bolt, etc.) G.I.D.C-II, Sihore, Distt. Bhavnagar (Gujarat) are trying to sell them. My Adhaar Card No. is 4143-6863-0081 as proof. I request you not to allow them to sell my husband’s property without my consent.
    Prem Kumari
    W/o Late Sh. Avtar Krishan Ummat,
    #59, Adarsh Nagar, Patiala.

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