Patna Dermatologist Phone Number

In the table below, we are providing a list of skin expert medical professionals in Patna. The information contains the name of the doctors, address of their clinic, contact number along with visiting day and time. If you have any concerns with your skin and its treatment, please visitation their clinic for its immediate cure.

Patna Dermatologist Phone Number

1.Dr. Vinay Kumar SinhaSkin care centre, 1st Floor, Chaturbhuj Complex, Boring Road, Petrol Pump(0612) 3296003,
Monday to Saturday 10:00 AM to 08:00 PMclosed
2.Dr. PaulsNear Samsung Showroom, Road - Vijay Laxmi Enclave Raman Path, Boring Road9230092383Monday to Saturday 10;00 AM to 08:30 PM10:00 AM to 08:00 PM
3.Dr. Gopal PrasadOpp. Shalimar Cold Storage, Harni Chak More, Anisabad9934743441, 7870272791Monday to Sunday 10:00 AM to 08:00 PM
4.Dr. Ravi Vikram SinghVikram Skin Clinic, S.K Puri(0612) Monday to Saturday 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM & 04:00 PM to 08:00 PM09:00 AM to 01:00 PM
5.Dr. Jha Amarkant AmarA K Jha Amar skin & Laser Institute, Prafull Plaza Bankipur, Makhania Kuan 9431174875
6.Dr. V K SinhaS K Puri. Patna GPO(0612) 3296003, 3296223Monday to Sunday 08:00 AM to 08:00 PM

Skin is the most visible and sensitive part of our body and we can get easily affected through minor injury. In today’s world, Skin problems are extremely generic. Family physicians are generally for treating common problems affecting the skin. Dermatologists diagnose skin diseases such as infection, severe acne, the genetic conjugation of skin, skin cancer, and other types of serious skin malady. In all these cases, it is required to seek advice from a skin doctor who is more familiar with all such cases.

Patna Dermatologist Doctors has a rich tradition of providing sophisticated medical as well as cosmetic surgeon care of the patient. Now if you have any concern with skin, please contact on given Patna Dermatologist Phone Number and fix your appointment as soon as possible.

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