Palamu Jharkhand Phone Number DIG, SP, DYSP, Police Station

Police Department – Palamu (Jharkhand)
District Palamu Contact Numbers of DIG (Deputy Inspector General), SP (Superintendent of Police), Dy. SP, District Commandant, Superintendent of Jail, P.S. (Police Station).

District Palamu Police Department Contact Detail

(Deputy Inspector General)
(Superintendent of Police)
Dy. SP –1 Palamu224025
Dy. SP -2 Palamu224006
Superintendent of Jail222725223182
Station, Daltonganj
Police Station, Lesliganj282619

STD Code – 06562
About: – Palamu is located about 85 kms away from the capital of Jharkhand State Ranchi. There are 13 Taluks and 296 villages are in the district of Palamu. In the state of Jharkhand, it is on six numbers by population and by the number of villages it has four numbers. The Postal Index of this district starts with 822,194. Literacy rate of Palamu district is 65.5% and sex ratio is 929 female on every thousand of the male population.



  1. It was shocking to know that the bathrooms of a hotel have cameras fitted in the bathrooms ! It is about 2 years old.
    Can you confirm what action will be taken/has been taken after receipt of this mail.Want to maintain confidentiality

  2. Today’s our police control room is not working
    Patrolling police are patrolling on main road but the culprits are wandering in hospital road

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