Pakur, Jharkhand Phone Number DPRO, DIO, DTO, NDC, DEO, DAO, ACJM, SDJM

1.Deputy Commissioner, Pakur(06435) 222121,
2.DDC, Pakur(06435) 220571,
3.Director, DRDA, Pakur(06435) 222173
4.Add. Collector, Pakur(06435) 222487
5.Meso Officer, Pakur(06435) 222164
6.SDO, Pakur(06435) 222003
7.DPRO, Pakur(06435) 220821
8.DIO , Pakur(06435) 220848
9.DTO, Pakur(06435) 222925
10.NDC, Pakur(06435) 220820
11.NIC District Unit, Pakur(06435) 220848
12.Electricity Office(06435) 222087
13.DJ(06435) 220406
14.ACJM(06435) 222081
15.SDJM(06435) 223678
16.SP(06435) 222091
17.Dy. SP(06435) 222058
18.Pakur Nagar, PS.(06435) 222070
19.Pakur Mufsil, PS.(06435) 220401
20.Hiranpur, PS.(06435) 268329
21.Littipara, PS.(06435) 270050
22.Amrapara, PS(06423) 262667
23.Maheshpur, PS.(06423) 228088
24.Pakuria, PS.(06423) 250244
25.DEO.(06435) 220255
26.SPEED.(06435) 222388
27.Treasury Officer Pakur(06435) 220639,
28.Treasury Officer Maheshpur(06435) 228528
29.DAO(06435) 220602
30.BDO., Pakur(06435) 22178
31.CO. Pakur(06435) 220591
32.CDPO. Pakur(06435) 220684
33.BDO. Hiranpur(06435) 268138
34.CDPO. Hiranpur(06435) 268331
35.BDO. Littipara(06435) 270035
36.CDPO. Littipara(06435) 270058
37.BDO., Amrapara(06435) 262597
38.CDPO. Amrapara(06435) 262678
39.BDO. Maheshpur(06435) 228037
40.BDO. Pakuria(06435) 250040
41.Enquiry(06435) 223455,


About Pakur, Jharkhand: – Before created as a district, it was a subdivision of Santhal Pargana district. Santhal Paragon had been echeloned into four districts it had been tagged in the district of Sahibganj but on 28th January 1994 it had been announced as a district. It is being surrounded by birbhum district of West Bengal state to south, Godda and Dumka district to the West, Sahibganj district to the north and Murshidabad and a part of Birbhum district to the East. By topographically this district can be separated into three parts the rolling area, the hilly area, and the alluvial area.

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