Nuapada District Level Officers Phone Number

In Naupada, numbers of district level officers are working for the overall development of the district. In this article, we are going to share with you the phone number of all the district level officer like DC, ADM, DDO, DTO, District Employment Officer, DIO, CDMO, RTO, DPO, DAO, DDA, DSWO, DSLAO, DFO one by one. Now go through the underneath table for the contact information of all working officer. Nuapada District Level Officers Phone Number is helpful and important for us.

Nuapada District Level Officers Phone Number

2.ADM(06678) 225352
3.District Employment
(06678) 225371
4.District Sub Registrar(06678) 225394
5.Small Saving Officer(06678) 225584
6.Chief District
Vetinary Officer
(06678) 225449
7.DDO(06678) 225357
8.District Emergency Officer(06678) 225357
9.DTO(06678) 225403
10.Project Director(06678) 225144
11.General Manger DIC(06678) 222686
12.DIO(06678) 225343
13.Sub Collector(06678) 225431
14.PD, DRDA(06678) 225476
15.CDMO(06678) 225346
16.Executive Engineer,
Lift Irrigation
(06670) 230639
17.Executive Engineer,
Minor Irrigation
(06678) 225426
18.Executive Engineer,
(06678) 232259
19.Executive Engineer,
(06678) 225274
20.RTO(06678) 225243
21.DPO(06678) 225086
22.General Manger DIC(06678) 222686
23.DAO(06678) 232240
24.DDA(06678) 230751
25.DPO(06678) 225584
26.DSWO(06678) 225549
27.DSLAO(06671) 232976
28.DFO(06671) 232237
29.District Soil
Conservation Officer
(06678) 230546
30.District Fishery
(06678) 225524
31.DLO(06678) 225278
32.DHO(06678) 232264
33.DTO(06678) 225403
34.DWO(06678) 225479

Additional District Magistrate (ADM) supervises the establishment related work performance and also performs additional work time to time. District Employment Officer (DEO) is appointed to looks after the issues related to employment.  In Nuapada Odisha DSR (District Sub-Registrar) assists in the work of District Registrar and also performs the registration of several document like registration of Land, Marriage registration and registration of Money lender etc.

The above-written information of Nuapada District Level Officers Phone Number is helpful for the readers up to certain extent. The given contact details of different officers are useful for the resident of the district in order to deal with various district level issues.

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