North Tripura District Police Stations Phone Number

Here, police station phone numbers are available for North Tripura district. In this, overall 9 PS – Kanchanpur, Panisagar, Churaibari, Damcherra, Khedacherra, Dharmanagar, Kadamtala, Anandabazar, and lastly Vanghmum are working. You will find the North Tripura District Police Stations Phone Number in the table below.

North Tripura District Police Stations Phone Number

S.No.Post / Police StationContact
1.SP, North Tripura(03822) 234466
2.Dharmanagar PS(03822) 220204
3.Kanchanpur PS(03824) 265209
4.Vanghmum PS(03822) 290880
5.Panisagar PS(03822) 261223
6.Churaibari PS(03822) 263205
7.Damcherra PS(03822) 268204
8.Khedacherra PS(03824) 298687
9.Kadamtala PS(03822) 263271
10.Anandabazar PS(03822) 298686

Dharmanagar is the headquarters of this district. North Tripura is the third largest district in the state by population. It comes in Eastern India. Its maximum temperature is between 26°c to 38°c. Here the language is Bengali and also people speak Kokborok, English. North Tripura district is divided into 9 Tehsils, panchayats, 186 villages, and a total of 10 assembly constituencies. In 1995 Dhalai district was carved out from this district. The territory occupied by this district. In this district S.P is active and it keeps silence, safe. It is a must to the establishment of rule of law for the development & advancement of civilization and culture. The police help and protect the peace of development. They prevent crime, murder, violence, etc in the district. S.P is all in all of the police headquarters of this district.

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