All News Channel Nalanda Phone Number

You will be happy to find All News Channel Nalanda phone number right here. Probably you may know that how much we depend on electronic media for information. First of all, these contact details are very important for the people living in Nalanda District in Bihar. A table in the following part of this article will show you Hindustan, Dainik Jagran, Aaj, Prabhat Khabar, Sanmarg,  Quamee Tanjeem, P.T.I., and NDTV and other. Let’s move ahead –

All News Channel Nalanda Phone Number

S. No.Name of PostName of Media HousePhone Number
1.Office-InchargeHindustan 9431882794
2.Office-Incharge Dainik Jagran 9431012899
3.Office-Incharge Aaj 9430445566
Prabhat Khabar/
5.Reporter National Sahara 9431662996
6.Office-Incharge Sanmarg 9431488323
Daily National Sahara
8.Reporter Quamee Tanjeem
( Urdu )
9.Reporter P.T.I. 9431455807P.T.I. 9431455807
N.D.T.V. 9334404612
11.Reporter Doordarshan Bihar Sharif 9334047773
12.Reporter Star News 9431663180
13. Reporter Aaj Tak/ Sadhna News 9431879719
14.Reporter Sahara Times 9431061800
15.Reporter E. T.V. 9334137468
16.Reporter India T.V. 9334598481
17. Reporter News-21 Z Hamar T.V. 9470465337
18.Reporter Zee News / News Today 9334153201
19.Reporter Nalanda News (Local Chanal) 9334811085
20.Reporter Dainik Jagran 9431688037
21.Reporter Aaj 9431488011
22.Reporter Farukee Tanjeem 9835443944
23.Reporter Hindustan 9470840214
24.Reporter Sudarshan T.V. 9386752041
Reporter Live India News 9334227665
Reporter Mauriya T.V.9973755176
News Channel Nalanda Phone Number image

Every news channel has a separate reporter for each district to cover the region very well. They will keep eyes on each and every incident, which takes place in their area. So, These numbers will help you to get contact number of the reporter of the same. You would see that all news channel Nalanda phone number is useful when you need to give them a new info or telecast your problems. Finally, Everything is happening around us is the news for someone and So everyone should be aware of our surroundings.  Anyways we are here to provide all news channel Nalanda phone number, which available right here to use.

Nalanda is a very important district of Bihar. The district has a fame, because of his historical and cultural legacy. In addition,  Nalanda was a great center of Buddhism and known as Mahavihar earlier. The region was the center of education in the past and Nalanda University is so famous that it attracts many scholars across the globe. Therefore, Nowadays the government is trying hard to restore his name and fame once again.


  1. Thanks for sharing this. Very informative article.

  2. Thanks a lot for response.

  3. Shankar Dayal Sharma says:

    सभी न्यूज रिपोर्टर का नम्बर जोड़ने के लिए आप को धन्यवाद
    मैं हूँ P News रिपोर्टर नालंदा से शंकर दयाल शर्मा
    मेरा भी नम्बर जोड़ दीजिए।

  4. i am from ARYAN NEWS (Local) as a reporter pls add my no -9098989216

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