Nawada, Bihar Contact Number of Officers DM, DDC, ADM, DEO, DTO, BDO, CO

Nawada District Phone Number of Administrative Officer – DM, DEO, DTO, Agriculture Officer, Welfare Officer, Executive Engineer, Civil Surgeon, BDO, CO.

DM (District Magistrate)947319125606324 - 21225306324 - 212240
DEO (District Education Officer)947002704406324 - 21445306324 - 210255
DTO (District Transport Officer)9472834818
District Co-Operative Officer9334297636
District Agriculture Officer943181873606324 - 210745
District Welfare Officer9771643118
Executive Engineer (Rcd)947000128306324 - 212769
Executive Engineer (Building)9471614765
Executive Engineer (Rwd-1)8986915342
Executive Engineer (Rwd-2)9934283460
Electrical Executive Engineer8298820873
Executive Engineer (Phed)9431156823
Civil Surgeon9470003536

Nawada District Block Level Officers Phone Numbers

PostBlockMobileOffice No.
STD Code 06324
BDO (Block Development Officer)Nawada9431818086212606
BDO (Block Development Officer)Kashichak9771664170
BDO (Block Development Officer)Warsaliganj9931019727
BDO (Block Development Officer)Pakribarawa9470833057228464
BDO (Block Development Officer)Kawakol9470053205
BDO (Block Development Officer)Hisua9431818089
BDO (Block Development Officer)Nardiganj9431808093
BDO (Block Development Officer)Roh9431818092
BDO (Block Development Officer)Govindpur9431818091
BDO (Block Development Officer)Rajauli9431818087
BDO (Block Development Officer)Akbarpur9431818088
BDO (Block Development Officer)Narhat9431818090
BDO (Block Development Officer)Meshkaur9431808094
BDO (Block Development Officer)Sirdala9973403408
CO (Circle Officer)Nawada9431163345
CO (Circle Officer)Kashichak9934215389
CO (Circle Officer)Warsliganj9709971202
CO (Circle Officer)Pakribrawan9931032143
CO (Circle Officer)Kawakol9631773914
CO (Circle Officer)Hisua9431872094
CO (Circle Officer)Nardiganj9835804087
CO (Circle Officer)Roh9534190427
CO (Circle Officer)Govindpur9931687389
CO (Circle Officer)Rajauli9931092892
CO (Circle Officer)Akbarpur9431436371
CO (Circle Officer)Narhat9199193333
CO (Circle Officer)Meshkaur9431477188
CO (Circle Officer)Sirdala9431336566
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  1. Abhinav vats says:

    I apply a birth certificate on 27 Jan of 2016 in nawada block, bihar …. I cant accept the DOB certificate during the apply of 3 month ago…. Gramsevak always say that i am busy in other work .. . So kindly request to you sir .. Please take action regarding them … As soon as possible…..

  2. ved n vyas says:

    Panjiyar mohalla, nawada
    For more than 100 hrs we are continuously suffering from voltage fluctuation. Variation is 50v to 250v

    Electrical/gadgets at threat
    Submersible doesn’t work
    No water

  3. Samay panchayat. Vill. Gurumha
    Sir i beg to say that my village in indira aawas is making who’s person.
    Who are not eligible so please kindly check current and before

  4. rajput singh coolzzvikram says:

    hiii. its helpful to me…

  5. sunil prasad says:

    Dear sir,

    Connection # – 475507
    Name – sunil prasad M
    Roh marara nawadah

    This is to inform you that it’s been more than a year that I have taken EB connection just for the sake of vacation leaves for my family and children. Had I known that the services provided are so pathetic , I would have never subscribed for it and I would never suggest anyone else for the same . In cities there are too many advertisements for JAAGO GRAHAK JAAGO and DEENDAYAL UPADHYAY VIDYUTIKARAN YOJANA and electrification of villages by 2020 . But in reality it is a marketing gimmicks to fool the rural people and a tool of vote bank politics.
    The rural population don’t even know where should they complaint about their plight on the inconvenience faced in the name of electrification. We receive only 6 /24 hours of electricity that too not at a stretch but in consolidation. Now as summer is approaching , how do 1 spend vacations here without electricity . Totally biased , dhanbad on the other side receives 24*7 electricity at the subsidised rate and people use it lavishly with no sustainability keeping in mind.
    All this is not expected in modi’s regime.

    I rest my opinion now , it’s your turn to act.

    Gratitude and regards ,
    Sunil prasad

  6. RANJAN KUMAR says:


  7. I have applied for the name correction in DEO office Nawada but till now the corrected certificate of Dakshata not provided to me by concern department.

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