Malda Phone Numbers – District Level Officers West Bengal

Malda district has a big administrative area where DM, ADM, SDO, DPLO, SLAO, DDMO, DSWO, RTO, DIO and all others are works as a caretaker of the district. They understand all problem and try to remove it soon.

Malda Phone Numbers – District Level Officers West Bengal

1.DM(03512) 252381 (O)
(03512) 253092 (R)
2.CA TO DM(03512) 252415
3.ADM (General)(03512) 252351 (O)
(03512) 253051 (R)
4.CA to ADM
(03512) 252351
5.ADM (Development)(03512) 253049 (O)
(03512) 253127(R)
6.CA to ADM (D)(03512) 252351
7.Sub Divisional
Office (Sadar)
(03512) 252733
8.CA to SDO
(03512) 252733
9.DPLO(03512) 252083
10.SLAO(03512) 252953
11.SDC(03512) 252076
12.DC Nazarat(03512) 252330
14.DPO, ICDS(03512) 252330
15.ICDS Cell(03512) 253304
16.DDMO(03512) 252058
17.DSWO(03512) 254236
18.RTO(03512) 252059
19.ARTO(03512) 252059
20.TO - I(03512) 252004
21.TO - II(03512) 252078
22.DIO, NIC(03512) 252094

Malda district is placed in the northern part of Bengal. There are lots of river flows like The Ganga, Mahananda, Fulahar and all others here. DM is posted in the collector office and clear all affairs which are happening in this section. Problems of Social Welfare department are being handled by DSWO. DDMO looks after Medical sector, sort out all cases belonging to the patient or all department of the medical field. DPO of ICDS care of child cases and think about the progress of their future. Every district has one Sub Division Office is where an officer is posted to control this section or clears all affairs called SDO.

If anybody need the help of district level officers of Malda district to find their contact details with STD Codes of them he should look above in tabular form.

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