Lohardaga – Senha, Kisko, Bhandra, Kairo BDO, CO Phone Number

Lohardaga - Senha, Kisko, Bhandra, Kairo BDO, CO Phone Number

Block Level Officer – Lohardaga (Jharkhand)
Std Code – 06526

District Lohardaga Contact Numbers of BDO (Block Development Officer) and CO (Circle Officer):

BDO (Block Development Officer)Senha8986809478275559
CO (Circle Officer)Senha9931150477
BDO (Block Development Officer)Kairo9304481322
CO (Circle Officer)Bhandara8102490387
BDO (Block Development Officer)Kisko9204010835276293

About Lohardaga: – In the State of Jharkhand there is district name is Lohardaga.  It is located on the west side of Ranchi which is the capital of Jharkhand. The total population of this district is about 46,204. The languages which are spoken by the local public are Hindi and Santali and the literacy rate is 71% which is high than the national average

BDO (Block Development Officer)-  Blocks are generally monad of a district. BDO is all in all of any Blocks. Under his supervision development planning prepared for any villages and Panchayat

CO (Circle Officer):- The prime duty of co is to collect the revenue from his jurisdiction area and assist in the development project on a block level.

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