Kurnool Railway Station Enquiry Phone Number

In this post, we will know about Kurnool  Railway station Enquiry phone number today and this information will prove useful to the locals as well as travelers. This is one of the model stations of SCR zone of Indian railways. Station Code of Kurnool Railway Station is KRNT the flow of commuters is increasing by the time. All the facilities are available for the passengers in the station premises and the conditions of law and order are satisfactory.

There are three platforms at Kurnool railway station and all have automatic stairs, so passengers are not in any discomfort and they are fully glad about this facility. Additionally, computerized reservation system, waiting room, toilets, adequate parking space, etc. are also dedicated to serving the public.

From here, you could be able to catch a train for almost all important cities like Bangalore, Tirupati, Vascoidema, Delhi, Gorakhpur, Hyderabad, Howrah and this is why it is so famous.

Kurnool Railway Station Enquiry Phone Number

S.NO.Name Phone Number
1.All India Railway Enquiry139
2.Kurnool City Railway Station Office 08518 - 220110

The railway station of any place is the backbone of the traffic system of that place and people want to know about it.  At the same time, it is also a place where the eyes of the criminals remain intact and there is a serious threat to the safety of the passengers. Therefore, to ensure the safety of the people, the station premises should be free from crime.

Laying on the Hyderabad – Bangluru highway, Kurnool is well associated with all parts of the country and besides rail, there can be reached here by road too.

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