Kollam Kerala SP, DSP, CI, Police Stations Phone Numbers

You will find Kollam Kerala SP, DSP, CI, Police Stations Phone Numbers right here. If you are looking for the same, you are at the right place. Most noteworthy, you can make any query related to the police administration. The administration is responsible for citizen’s safety and law & order in the district. Therefore, you can use these numbers in the time of crisis.

Kollam police have two wings – Urban and Rural, to ensure public security. The police commissioner is the head of city police and Rural superintendent of police is the head of rural area. Both are an IPS officer and directly report to the IG of Thiruvananthapuram range of Kerala. Kollam city police have three subdivisions, thirteen circles, and twenty-nine police stations and the heads are Assistant Commissioner of police (ACP), Circle Inspector and Sub Inspector of police (SI) respectively. Anyway, we are here to provide Kollam Kerela SP, DSP, CI, Police Stations phone numbers for your kind assistance. So, we are here with these important numbers, which is given below.

Kollam Kerala SP, DSP, CI, Police Stations Phone Numbers

S.NO. Name Of PostPhone Number
1.Police Control Room 100
2.Crime Stopper
3.Commissioner of Police, Kollam City0474 - 2764422,
4.City Police Commisioner Office0474 - 2744165
5.Superintendent of Police, Kollam Rural0474 - 2450168,
6.Dy. S.P (Admn.)0474 - 2742265
7.Dy. S.P (DCRB)0474 - 2751098
8.Dy. S.P (Narcotics)0474 - 2763694
9.Dy. S.P (Crime)0474 - 2742376
10.Dy. S.P, Kollam0474 - 2742376
11.Dy. S.P Karunagappally0476 - 2620233
12.Dy. S.P, Punalur0475 - 2222595
13.Traffic Police, Kollam0474 - 2745298
14.Circle Inspector, Kollam East0474 - 2742400
15.Circle Inspector, Kollam West0474 - 2795080
16.Circle Inspector, Paravur0474 - 2512344
17.Circle Inspector, Chathannoor0474 - 2593250
18.Circle Inspector, Kundara0474 - 2547450
19.Circle Inspector, Karunagappally0476 - 2620233
20.Circle Inspector, Sasthancottah0476 - 2831355
21.Circle Inspector, Chavara0476- 2681700
22.Circle Inspector, Punalur0475 - 2222775
23.Circle Inspector, Kottarakkara0474 - 2451100
24.Circle Inspector, Kadakkal 0475 - 2422033
25.Circle Inspector, Kulathupuzha0475 - 2317529
26.Circle Inspector, Anchal0475 - 2272300
27Kollam East PS0474 - 2742072
28.Kilikolloor PS0474 - 2711155
29.Kollam West PS0474 - 2795086
30.Pallithottam PS0474 - 2742042
31.Paravur PS0474 - 2512344
32.Parippally PS0474 - 2572065
33.Chathannoor PS0474 - 2593250
34.Kottiyam PS0474 - 2530100
35.Kundara PS0474 - 2547239
36.East Kallada PS0474 - 2585240
37.Anchalummood PS0474 - 2552682
Karunagappally PS0476 - 2620233
39.Oachira PS0476 - 2620233
40.Sasthancottah PS0476 - 2830355
41.Sooranadu PS0476 - 2795086
42.Chavara PS0476 - 2680029
43.Thekkumbhagam ps0476 - 2882364
44.Saktikulangara PS0474 - 2770966
45.Punalur, PS0475 - 2222700
46.Pathanapuram ,PS0475 - 2352200
47.Kunnikodu PS0475 - 2322092
48.Kottarakkara ,PS0474 - 2454629
49.Ezhukone,PS0474 - 2482088
50.Pooyappally PS0474 - 2462043
51.Kadakkal ,PS0475 - 2422033
52.Chadayamangalam0475 - 2475311
53.Kulathupuzha, PS0475 - 2317529
54.Thenmala, PS0475 - 2344550
55.Anchal, PS0475 - 2273366
56.Yeroor PS0475 - 2273204

Mahatma Gandhi beach, adventure park are the main attraction of the district. Kollam is the center of cashew and marine product industry. 

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