Koderma District DC, DFO, DDC Phone Number

DC and DFO and DDC nominated in each block of Koderma have their official number in order to cooperate with the resident of the district as per requirement. Here in this article we have written Koderma District DC, DFO, DDC phone number. The below table shows contact info of Koderma District Level officer as for your convenience.

Koderma District DC, DFO, DDC Phone Number

1.DC(06534) 252343,
3.DDC(06534) 252310,
4.Addl. Collector(06534) 252171,
5.Director, Lekha(06534) 252501
6.SDO(06534) 252174,
7.SDPO(06534) 252220,
8.DPO(06534) 252815,
9.DTO(06534) 252796
10.DEO(06534) 252798
11.DSE(06534) 252814
12.Treasury Officer(06534) 252735
13.CS(06534) 255845,

District Level Officer leads the developmental activities of each block located in every part of the district. Being the in charge of the district, all the activity associated with development, administration, electoral and other related work as granted lies under his authority. The works delegated are almost public oriented. DC and DDC in Towns and district are working for peace and harmony. Prevention of crime and to work in accordance with law and order in the society is the major duty of the commissioner. DFO looks after forest departmental works.

The above given records regarding DC, DFO, DDC and ADM, SDO, SDPO, DPO, DTO, DEO, CS and others officer are from its official website and up to date as per current notification. In this article, Koderma District DC, DFO, DDC Phone Number are prescribed here.



  1. Vinod yadav says:

    I want to know the contact number of anti-corruption bureau of koderma district

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