Khordha Phone Number District Level Officers Odisha

In Khordha district Odisha, DC, Executive engineer, DRDO and others district level officer is responsible for progress, executive, political, wealth,and welfare related works in this region. They transact all prefectorial field and apparent all types of case respective the district. In this post, we are providing Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation, DWO, DRDO, DPO, DPRO, DFO and other district level officer contact number one by one in tabular form. Khordha Odisha district level contact number is useful for the citizen of Odisha.

Khordha Phone Number District Level Officers Odisha

1.DC(06755) 220001
3.DIO(06755) 220463
4.PD, DRDA(06755) 220755
5.General Manger DIC(06755) 2384108
6.Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation(06755) 220502
7.Executive Engineer, Lift Irrigation(0674) 2401847
8.DWO(06755) 221169
9.DTO(0674) 2431299
10.DRDO(0674) 2301787
11.DPO(06755) 220922
12.District Judicial Officer(06755) 221755
13.DPRO(06755) 2408752
14.DFO(06755) 220539
15.District Election Officer(06755) 220937
16.District Civil
Supply Officer
(06755) 220607
17.District Agriculture office(06755) 220523
18.DSWO(06755) 221902
19.DMO(06755) 221419

Executive Engineer is the supervisor in charge of the minor irrigation. He is responsive for implementation and executive-related works in this region. DTO looks after the transport related works in this region. DPO looks after the field of water, sanitation, program implementation and monitoring the development of the program at the district level. In Khordha all district level officer performs day to day works in this region.The problems of Forest area is being solved by the DFO.

Khordha Odisha district level contact number is useful for the people of this region up to certain extent. You may collect Khordha Phone Number District Level Officers Odisha from the given table and immediately able to communicate with them within minute.

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