Katihar Railway Division Phone Number – Araria, Aluabari, Darjeeling, Forbesganj

North Frontier Railway


Katihar Railway Division Phone Number – Araria, Araria Court, Aluabari Road, Barsoi, Darjeeling, Forbesganj

S.No.Station NameCodePhone Number
1.Araria Court
3.Aluabari RoadAUB03526–55053
6.Ghum GHUM03544–74843

Sri N. Nishikant Sharma was the first GM construction and leaded the 18. 1. 1979 to 3. 7. 1979. Since its rudiments the construction organization headed by seventeen General Manager Constructions reached at new label and set up an example. Northeast Frontier Railway was formed with the purpose of the better service and fulfillIing the needs of the northeast states. The Ascends of Darjeeling Himalayan Railway is 6, 850 feet from New Jalpaiguri and the climb starts from Sukna. The Locale of Northeast Frontier Railway is Bihar, Assam, Tripura, Nagaland and West Bengal.

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