Katihar District Level Officer Phone Number, Email Id

Katihar District is one of the prominent cities of Bihar. In this district DM, ADM, DDC, DRDA, DLAO and others are responsible for the smooth functioning of the district. All district level officers look after the general administrative works in the district. Here in this article we have written the contact detail of existing Katihar District Level Officer phone number. The below table shows detail info of Katihar District DM, ADM, DDC, DRDA, DLAO phone number and their post.

Katihar District Level Officer Phone Number

1.DM(06452) 230581,
2.ADM General(06452) 239635,
3.ADM Celling9931047970admceil-kat-bih@nic.in
4.ADM Relief9430620347admreliefkati@gmail.com
5.DDC(06452) 231657,ddc-katihar-bih@nic.in
6.Senior Deputy Collector, Establishment Section9308941729estt-kat-bih@nic.in
7.Senior Deputy Collector, DRDA9431818438dnep-kat-bih@nic.in
8.Senior Deputy Collector,
General Section
9.Senior Deputy Collector,
District Najarat Section
(06452) 239538,
10.Senior Deputy Collector,
Legal Section
11.Record Room8084877991abhilekh-kat-bih@nic.in
12.Additional District Census Officer9471003951census-kat-bih@nic.in
13.Senior Deputy Collector,
Disaster Section
14.Senior Deputy Collector,
District Revenue Section
15.Senior Deputy Collector,
District Planning Section
17.Nagar Special Officer8986241470nagr-kat-bih@nic.in
18.Senior Deputy Collector,
Jan Shikayat Section
19.Treasury Officer,
20.Assistant Treasury Officer9431422319
21.Deputy District
Election Officer
(06452) 239888,
22.Sub Election Officer9470058263

District Magistrate (DM) leads the developmental activities of each block situated in every part of the district. Some of the main roles of the District level officer in Katihar includes looking after the maintenance of law and order, crisis management, the collection of tax and revenue and progression in the welfare of the region.

The above-given details info regarding Katihar district level officers phone number is from its official website and up to date as per current notification.



  1. Hi i m Dinesh from Rohtas Bihar and I were a secret mission against army joining setters and i have totally proof so i wanna expose him so i need your help and it’s my contact number so contact me if you will help me for expose him 7808870532

  2. indra bhushan tiwari says:

    I am from Chandpur dist katihar, unfortunately, it seems now all machinery collapse sir, what is going this we could not under stand I want to know our village flood condition in Chandpur water level our house position, etc but neither kadawa block bdo nor sdo barsoi lifting mobile or phone, who will give us information.

    our all property lying there, we came out for our job in this flood if we want to understand situation about my loss property house family member no govt. machinery available to inform us flood situation.

    then I could not under stand all your govt. machinery for what purpose.

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