Kannur District Collector, BDO, DMO, DTO, Phone Number

In this post, you will read the phone numbers of Government Officers posted in Kannur District, Kerala. as Kannur District Collector, Block Development Officers (BDO) Finance officer, Tehsildar, Deputy Collector, DSP, DMO, Kannur University, DTO and RTO are very important. If you need phone number of any of them see the table below:

Kannur District Collector, BDO, DMO, DTO, Phone Number

1.District Collector(0497) 2700243,
2.Deputy Collector (Gen)(0497) 2700577
3.Finance Officer(0497) 2700592
4.RDO(0490) 2343500
5.Dy Collector (RR)(0497) 2700645
6.Dy Collector (LR)(0497) 2700645
7.Dy Collector (LA)(0497) 2700645
8.Dy Collector (Election)(0497) 2709140
9.Tehsildar, Thaliparamba Taluk(0460) 2203142
10.Thahsildar, Kannur Taluk(0497) 2704969
11.Thahsildar, Thalassery Taluk(0490) 2343813
12.Thahsildar, Thalassery Taluk(0490) 2343813
13.Thahsildar, Iritty Taluk(0490) 2494910
14.District Panchayat President(0497) 2700306
15.District Panchayat Secretary(0497) 2700577
16.BDO, Kannur(0497) 2343500,
17.BDO, Edakkad(0497) 2822495
18.BDO, Thalassery(0490) 2325350
19.BDO, Kuthuparamba(0490) 2361784
20.BDO, Iritty(0490) 2493840
21.BDO, Irikkur(0460) 2257058
22.BDO, Payyannur(0460) 2202927
23.BDO, Peravoor(0460) 2444416
24.BDO, Thaliparamba(0460) 2203295
25.District Judge, Thalassery(0490) 2341008
26.DSP(0497) 2700041
27.DIO (0497) 2700231
28.District Public
Service Commission Office
(0497) 22700482
29.District Employment Officer(0497) 22700831
30.DMO (Health)(0497) 2700194
31.DMO ((Homeo)(0497) 2711726
32.DMO (Ayurveda)(0497) 2700911
33.District Hospital(0497) 2731234
34.District Labour officer(0497) 2700353
35.District Industries Centre(0497) 2707522
36.District Supply
(0497) 2700552
37.District Tourism Promotion Council(0497) 2706336
38.Dy. Director (Education)(0497) 2705149
39.RTO, Kannur(0497) 2700566
40.Kannur University(0497) 2782351
41.DAHO(0497) 2700197
42.District Registrar, Thalassery(0490) 2321330
43.District Project Officer, SSA(0497) 2707993
44.District Planning Officer(0497) 2700765
45.Project Director,
Poverty Alleviation
(0497) 2700143
46.DTO, Kannur(0497) 2700683
47.DTO, Mattannur(0490) 2471006
48.Medical College, Pariyaram(0460) 2800362

All these officers are of great importance. They respond to the Works regarding district administration. If you have any problem related to government offices you can call them using Kannur District Collector, BDO, DMO, DTO, Phone Number in the list above.

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