Kalahandi District Level Officers Phone Number

In Kalahandi district, DC, DSO, DSWO and other district level officers perform the smooth works in the region. All officers are responsible for developmental administration work. Here in this article we are noting down Kalahandi district level officers phone number along with the code of Kalahandi district Odisha officer in a tabular form.  The contact Number helps them to communicate with the resident of the district and perform in the official activities in a better way.

Kalahandi District Level Officers Phone Number

1.DC(06670) 230201
2.DSO(06670) 230503
3.DSWO(06670) 230537
4.District Small
Savings Officer
(06670) 230772
5.Project Director, DRDA(06670) 230334
6.Deputy Director, DPMU(06670) 230606
7.District Panchayat Officer(06670) 230543
8.DLO(06670) 230310
9.General Manger, DIC(06670) 232637
10.District Election Officer(06670) 230541
11.District Culture Officer(06670) 233170
12.District Agriculture Officer(06670) 230572
13.Deputy Director(06670) 230751
14.CDVO(06670) 230502

In Kalahandi District level officer perform the main role includes looking after the maintenance of law and rule, crisis management. It also looks after the collection of tax and revenue, develop welfare and wealth works and maintain peace in the district. DSWO looks after the planning service, coordinating with non-government organizations in the region.

In the above table, you can read Kalahandi District level officers phone number and their reliable posts purposefully.

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