Jharsuguda Phone Number District Level Officers Odisha

In Jharsuguda Odisha district level officers like CDVO, DIPRO, DPO, CDMO etc looks after the social, economic, political, progress, wealth, welfare, education, land related issues in this region. All district officers perform daily routine works under rules and regulation. They managed all administrative field and clear all types of issue related the district. In this post, we are sharing Jharsuguda Odisha district level officers contact numbers like DC, ADM, DTO, DSWO, Commercial Tax Officer, CSO, CDVO, CDMO, Sub-Collector, Project Director, SDO, BSNL, Deputy Collector, Election, DPO, DIPRO one by one in tabulated form as for your convenience.

Jharsuguda Phone Number District Level Officers  Odisha

1.DC(06645) 270868
3.DTO(06645) 273028
4.DSWO(06645) 270893
5.Commercial Tax Officer(06645) 272626
6.CSO(06645) 273144
7.CDVO(06645) 270473
8.CDMO(06645) 273104
9.Sub Collector(06645) 272788
10.Project Director(06645) 272997
11.SDO, BSNL(06645) 272200
12.Deputy Collector, Election(06645) 273123
13.DPO(06645) 272401
14.DIPRO(06645) 274160

Jharsuguda is a district in Odisha, India. This zone is affluent in coal and other mineral reserves.There are a lot of Coal mines situated in this area. This region belongs to the industrial area. Here lot of industries set up. The CDMO Jharsuguda Odisha is working as District Health Administration to provide proper health care services like preventive & creative as well as health measures of the people of this region. Jharsuguda Odisha district CDVO looks after the different animal husbandry and agriculture works like immunization, treatment, fodder farming etc. The issue of Forest area is being extricated by the DFO.

The given information with reference toJharsuguda Phone Number District Level Officers  with the code would be useful for the resident of the district up to maximum extent.

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