Jharkhand, Ranchi Phone Number BDO, CO, CDPO, Block Chanho, Ratu

District Ranchi Block Level Officer Contact Detail

1.BDO Chanho8051130279,
2.CO Chanho9430752023,
3.CDPO Chanho9431102008
4.CO Ratu9470119001
5.CDPO Ratu9431115975
6.BDO Ratu9470954151

About Jharkhand and Rachi :- The important notification about Jharkhand comprises the capital of Ranchi. Later the birth of this state the progress scale of the Ranchi and Jharkhand has proven that it has ability to develop as a front leading industrial area in whole country. The major parts of the population uses to speak Bhojpuri, Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, Oriya, etc. West Singhbhum, Hazaribagh, Dhanbad, Palamu, West Singhbhum, and Bakaro are the main districts in this state.

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