Jharkhand, Ranchi District Phone Number DWO, APO, AC, Sub Registrar

Jharkhand, Ranchi District Phone Number DWO, APO, AC, Sub Registrar

District Administration: – Ranchi (Jharkhand)

District Ranchi Contact Numbers of AC Ceiling, DWO, Dist. Sub. Registrar, Special Rationing Officer, APO.
STD Code – 0651

District Ranchi Administrative Officer Contact Detail

About Ranchi: – Ranchi is a beautiful city and it is the capital of Jharkhand state. It is placed at a height of 620 meters from sea level. Ranchi is also the capital of the administrative offices of Jharkhand. Jharkhand is a new state of India that was carved out from Bihar province. It is a place of political activities.

It was the first choice for the capital of the new state Jharkhand. Ranchi is really not only beautiful but also magnificent by all means. It has many tourist places and forests nearby the city. A number of tourists come every year to visit and enjoy him selves. The population of this town is about 1,500,000. The literacy rate is much above the national average. It is about 74%

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