Jehanabad Emergency Services Phone Numbers Bihar

Here, you will know about the emergency services phone numbers available in Jehanabad district of Bihar state and I would be happy to share this information. “Emergency” hears what comes first in your mind, probably ambulance, fire brigade or police force or something else you think?  In this changing scenario, domestic gas, women helpline, and other services also play an important role in our daily lives and come under the category of emergency facilities and you will probably agree with this.

If the people of Jehanabad are still deprived of infrastructure, then you can easily guess what is the situation of emergency services here. Whereas the only government hospital in the city is known for its lack of facilities, non-availability of medicines, and irregularities, the fire brigade office of the fire brigade has become synonymous with disorder. Even though the services available here are given with their contact numbers and we hope that they will work for you in a bad time.

In this article Jehanabad Emergency Services Phone Numbers Bihar, you will see contact numbers of the government hospital, fire department, gas agency, police team, town station, and other essential services of Jehanabad, which will prove useful to you.

Jehanabad Emergency Services Phone Numbers Bihar

S.NoName of ServicesPhone Number
1.Sadar Hospital, Jehanabad099735 45600
6114 - 226331
2.Town Police Station Jehanabad 9431822258,
(6114) 223017
6114 - 223017
3.S.P Jehanabad6114 - 223108
4..Fire station Jehanabad06114 - 223 164
5.Indane Gas Agency Jehanabad 070911 73181
6.Subah HP gas agency Jehanabad 06114 - 225279
7.P.H.C Kako Ambulance services09507772207
8.P.H.C Hulasganj Ambulance services09931794155
9.Women helpline Jehanabad6114 - 225657

Jehanabad is not an admirer of any introduction. From large massacres to jailbreak and four-fold law and order system, the identity of the district has been recognized. After getting the form of the new district divided by Gaya, people were expecting development but their hopes were over again. However, in the case of Jehanabad education, it is in good condition from the remaining districts of Bihar. Hope this post will prove useful to you and you will be able to take advantage of it, as well as help others during the crisis.

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