BDO, CO and CDPO selected in every block of Jamtara have their official phone numbers to liaise with the resident of the block. It also helps to improve the performance. Total number of blocks in Jamtara district is 06 and in each block one BDO and one CO are are functioning. These blocks are Jamtara, Nala, Kundhit, Fatehpur, Karmatanr, Narayanpur. Here we have written Jamtara District BDO, CO, CDPO Phone Number of every block in a tabular form. Go through the below table.
- Jamtara Jharkhand Phone Number IG, DIG, SP, DSP, SDPO, CI
- Jamtara Jharkhand Phone Number PS Jamtara, Narainpur, Fatehpur
Jamtara District BDO, CO, CDPO Phone Number
S.No. | Post | Contact |
1. | Block Development Officer, Jamtara | 9631252635 |
2. | Block Development Officer, Nala | 8809600511 |
3. | Block Development Officer, Kundhit | 8986803840 |
4. | Block Development Officer, Fatehpur | 9546546874 |
5. | Block Development Officer, Karmatanr | 9572599668 |
6. | Block Development Officer, Narayanpur | 9939266612 |
7. | Circle Officer, Kundhit | 8986803840 |
8. | Circle Officer, Jamtara | 9430159539 |
9. | Circle Officer, Nala | 8987719099 |
10. | Circle Officer, Fatehpur | 9546546874 |
11. | Circle Officer, Karmatanr | 9572599668 |
12. | Circle Officer, Narayanpur | 8539029735 |
13. | Child Development Project Officer, Karmatanr | 9431546875 |
14. | Child Development Project Officer, Narayanpur | 9431546875 |
15. | Child Development Project Officer, Fatehpur | 9431784312 |
16. | Child Development Project Officer, Jamtara | 9431515566 |
17. | Child Development Project Officer, Nala | 9421994563 |
18. | Child Development Project Officer, Kundhit | 9431784312 |
Block Development Officer (BDO) administers the progress work of each block located in Jamtara. Since he is sitting in charge of the block whether it is executive or development or electoral or others which lie under his power. All these works have great in concern to public dealing. So public often need to meet him or make contact with phone calls. CO provides to deal with land-related problems.
The above-given contact information with respect to BDO, CO and CDPO are from its official website and to interrelate with them in your related problems. If you are a resident of Jamtara then you can cooperate with them through Jamtara District BDO, CO, CDPO Phone Number.