Jamshedpur LRDC, DEO DTO, DEO, Superintendent Phone Number

Phone Number Of LRDC, DEO DTO, DEO, Superintendent Of Jamshedpur (Jharkhand)

S.No.PostSTD CodeOffice
1.LRDC, Dhalbhum06572439163
3.Special Officer JNAC06572423280
4.Superintendent, MGM06572432138
5.Sub Election Officer 06572423533
6.National Saving Officer06572421998
7.Special Officer JUGSALAI06572290858
8.Civil Defence06572143108
9.DTO 06572429091

About : – Jamshedpur is located round130 km away from the capital of Jharkhand Ranchi in the south-east direction. It is dealing in several kinds of sectors. More than 58% revenue Tata gets from outside of India. Recently Ratan Nawal Tata is the key people of this company and Cyrus Pallonji Mistry is deputy Chairman of the company of Tata. According to the annual survey of 2009, it is 11th ranked reputable firm in the world among 600 international companies.

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