Jamshedpur DC, DDC, DIO, SDM, DRDA, DPRO Phone Number

District Administration – Jamshedpur (East Singhbhum)
STD Code – 0657
District Jamshedpur Contact Numbers of DC (Deputy Commissioner), District Judge, DDC (Deputy Development Commissioner), Civil SDM, DIO Computer, Director DRDA, Deputy Collector General Section, District Public Relation Officer, Civil Surgeon, Jail Superintendent.
Contact Number of DC, District Judge, DDC, DIO, SDM, DPRO, DRDA, Civil Surgeon, Deputy Collector, Jail Superintendent:
DesignationOfficeResidenceEmail ID
DC (Deputy Commissioner)24310022231001dc-jsr@nic.in
District Judge2431601
DDC (Deputy Development Commissioner)24874932231924
Civil SDM (Dhalbhum)24310032231007
DIO Computer2430170
Director, DRDA2228446
Deputy Collector General Section2439699
District Public Relation Officer2434511
Civil Surgeon (Jamshedpur)2234749
Superintendent, Jail2298489
About : – Tata (Jamshedpur) is town of heterogeneous populous. The name of Tata is on the name of Tata group. Recent chairman of Tata group is most successful, powerful as well as efficacious business tycoon not only in India but also in world. Tata steel the house firm of Tata group is the biggest steel production company of India and has 10th rank in the world. Total income is of 3.2 trillion rupees. Net profit is of this firm is 82 billion rupees every year. This firm is playing a vital role and contributing its best for growing of nation-building. Since the period of 1868.  According to the vision of Ratan Tata this group has taken over the many big and famous firms. Land Rover and Jaguar companies are based in England and dealing in the arena of vehicle. Indica car is the first Indian developed car and it has also given the cheapest Nano car. It was the dream project of Ratan Tata.
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