Jajpur Phone Number District Level Officers Odisha

In Jajpur district Odisha, DPRO, DLO, DFO and district level officer looks after progress, economic, social, welfare, wealth, education and others relevant works in diverse sectors. District level officer performs the important function, role and duty in the district. In this article, we are providing DC, ADM, DPRO, DLO, District Tourist officer, DFO, Angro Industries officer, District Sub Registrar, DSO, Deputy Collector, Additional Project Director and other district level officer contact number in tabulated form. Jajpur Odisha district level contact number is by some means helpful for people. You can collect Jajpur Odisha district level contact number from the given table.

Jajpur Phone Number District Level Officers Odisha

1.DC(06728) 222001
2.ADM(06728) 222479
3.DPRO(06728) 225220
4.District Tourist Officer(06728) 222029
5.DLO(06728) 223407
6.DFO(06728) 222693
7.District Forest Officer(0671) 2340443
8.Agro Industries Officer(06728) 222102
9.District Sub Registrar(06728) 222679
10.DSO(06728) 222055
11.Deputy Collector(06728) 222568
12.Additional Project Director(06728) 224071
13.Civil Judge(06728) 222353
14.Additional District Judge(06728) 225133
15.District Agriculture Officer(06728) 222056
16.DTO(06728) 222064
17.DIO(06728) 224638
18.District Emergency Officer(06728) 222648
19.DWO(06728) 222661
20.Sub Collector(06728) 222322
21.District Planning Officer(06728) 222854
22.District Employment Officer(06728) 222659
23.DSWO(06728) 223075
24.DPO(06728) 222592
25.CDMO(06728) 222597
26.DPRO(06728) 222004

District level officer execution the important function in accordance with the guidelines. DPO looks after the district annual scheme for this region and also liable for all other important roles as delegated to them by the government. District Forest Officer (DFO) looks after the environment and nature-related works in this region.

The above-written information in related to Jajpur Phone Number District Level Officers Odisha is useful for the citizen of the district up to certain extent.

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