Imphal East District Phone number Manipur

Imphal East district comprises so many offices and administrative officers for different departments. Each department and employee keep their own contact information. So, you will find here the Phone number for each of the officers working in Imphal East District Manipur.

Imphal East District Phone number Manipur

1.DC(0385) 2228387
2.ADM(0385) 2441403
3.ADC(0385) 2221211
4.SDO, Porompat(0385) 2222785
5.SDO, Sawombung(0385) 267238
6.DIC, Porompat-
7.DAHO(0385) 2220224
9.DHO(0385) 2220809
10.DSWO(0385) 3220409
11.MPSC(0385) 2220243
12.DIO, NIC(0385) 2445004
13.DDO(0385) 2220963

Imphal east comes in the Manipur. This district is established in 2 valleys like Central valley & Jiribam valley. There are the total area of the district is 469.44km². Its head office is porompat. It occupies the eastern part of this district. Salubrious and Monsoon are the tropical weather conditions of the district. Here no rail network exists and transportation entirely depends on roads. This district is linked with national highway 53 &150. Its population & literacy rate is 452661 & 82. 81%. Here 3 sub-divisions are in Imphal east district like Porompat, Keirao Bitra, Sawambung There are 27000 and 4100 hectares of high yielding lands variety.

So follow Imphal East District Phone number Manipur and make contact with the officials.

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