Hooghly Phone Numbers District Level Officers West Bengal

Hooghly District has an administrative area where all officers are working on different posts such as DC,District Magistrate,ADC, DMO, DAHO, District Transport Office, DAO, DPRO, District Forest Office. They are very responsible for the circumstance of the district. They care out all administrative field and abolish all types of issue related the district. We are providing  here contact details of the Hooghly District level officers.

Hooghly Phone Numbers District Level Officers West Bengal

1.DC(03212) 26802455
2.DM(03212) 26802044
3.Zilla Parishad(03212) 26801089
4.ADM, General(03212) 26802043
5.ADM, Development(03212) 26802317
6.ADM(03212) 26803266
8.DDMO(03212) 26806195
9.DPRO(03212) 26802288
10.DFO(03212) 26628010
11.DYO(03212) 26802298

Hooghly district  belongs to the state of West Bengal, India.Hooghly District was named on the river Hooghly. Befort 7th century. it was ruled by the popular monarch Harshvardhan. The district headquarters are located at Hooghly-Chinsura. There are a lot of adventurous place in Hooghly District.The district most economically developed districts in West Bengal. In this district, DM is posted in collectorate and He looks out all officers who are doing work under him. DC solve the every type of  affairs in the DM office and He worked whatever work of  DM. Hooghly District belongs to Burdwan Police Range. The police chief of the district is the superintendent of police. Panchayati Raj problems are being solved by the DPRO and DDMO handles the Medical Sector object. He provides  all types of Medicine Facility, Care for, patient and tried to available all types of advantage for the people.

People who need the help ofHooghly Phone Numbers District Level Officers West Bengal check the number in the table.

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